The Midwest Theory Get Together (MWTGT) provides a unique opportunity for Midwest students, postdocs, and professors to present a concise talk on aspects of their research in a relaxed environment. A strong emphasis is placed on short talks that motivate why the research is interesting and explains any finding at a more general level (similar to a presentation at the DNP meeting).
The 32nd MWTGT at Argonne Physics Division in 2019.
It has become a tradition to couple the MWTGT with a similarly themed Physics Division colloquium. This year there will be Colloquium on Friday 30 September given by Kévin Fossez, from Florida State University on "The exploration of the nuclear drip lines". This Colloquium will start at 11:00am in the Building 203 Auditorium and all MWTGT participants are welcome to attend.
The 33rd MWTGT in 2022 will be held in the Physics Division Auditorium in Building 203 at Argonne National Laboratory. The meeting will begin at 10:30 am on Friday 30 September and end around 12:30 pm on Saturday 1 October. There will be an informal Get-Together dinner at Chuck's Cafe starting at 6:15 pm on the Friday.