Jul 10 – 11, 2023
Argonne National Laboratory
US/Central timezone

The Physics Division and the University of Chicago, in coordination with the Schiffer family, will host a Symposium in honor of John Schiffer. John Schiffer’s career at Argonne spanned some 60+ years, during which he made outstanding and internationally acclaimed contributions to nuclear physics research. Through roles on advisory committees, both at the highest level nationally and internationally, he played a significant role in charting the path of nuclear physics research over the last half-century, exploring many varied topics in nuclear physics and beyond. In John’s spirit, the symposium is to be not just a retrospective but also forward-looking, exploring the future of nuclear science within John’s broad horizons.

The Symposium will be held in the Auditorium of the Physics Division (building 203) on July 10-11, 2023. A reception will be held at the Argonne Guest House on the evening of July 9, 2023.

Organizing Committee:

Birger Back, Argonne
Don Geesaman (co-chair), Argonne
Walter Henning, Argonne
Ben Kay (co-chair), Argonne
Peter Littlewood, University of Chicago
Jerry Nolen, Argonne
Ernst Rehm, Argonne
Bob Wiringa, Argonne

Local Arrangements:

Robin Harris (ANL)

Argonne National Laboratory
Argonne Guest House and Physics Division Auditorium