The second Nuclear Target Development Summer School (NTDSS2024) will be held at Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) in Lemont, Illinois, USA, from July 10-July 13, 2024 (opening reception on the evening of Tuesday, July 9). The aim of the school is to excite and educate young researchers about the art of target making. Through these schools, the research community will be able to build our future workforce where no education exists. Current and “next generation” facilities will continue to increase the complexity and requirements of targets, which keeps the life of a target maker interesting with continuously changing challenges.
A unique feature of this summer school series is the hands-on activities where students spend time in small groups in the laboratory, learning about the techniques and instrumentation needed to produce targets for nuclear physics experiments. The hands-on are complemented by lectures and group discussions with experts at the setups and social gatherings including staff of the Physics Division and the Argonne Tandem Linac Accelerator System (ATLAS). The NTDSS2024 is scheduled as a back-to-back event with the Exotic Beam Summer School 2024 (EBSS2024) starting July 15 also onsite of ANL.
NTDSS2024 is supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, Argonne National Laboratory and the National Nuclear Security Administration through the Center for Excellence in Nuclear Training And University-based Research (CENTAUR). The school is held bi-annually at ANL and welcomes interested scientists from undergraduate students to postdocs (within two years of a PhD degree).
The deadline for receipt of a completed application, including a statement of support from the student’s advisor/supervisor, is March 22, 2024. The application form can be found below. It is anticipated that all local expenses for the participants will be covered by the school.
Download the first circular here.
More information will be published later on this homepage.
Applicant form is here:
Supervisor form is here: