Jul 21 – 26, 2024
APS Conference Center, Argonne
America/Chicago timezone
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Recent highlights from the GRIFFIN spectrometer

Jul 26, 2024, 10:55 AM
Auditorium (APS Conference Center, Argonne)


APS Conference Center, Argonne


Victoria Vedia (TRIUMF)


Large arrays of gamma-ray detectors coupled with auxiliary detection systems provide a powerful and versatile tool for studying exotic nuclei through nuclear spectroscopy at radioactive ion beam facilities. GRIFFIN (Gamma-Ray Infrastructure For Fundamental Investigations of Nuclei) is a state-of-the-art facility dedicated to beta decay spectroscopy with rare-isotope beams, situated at the TRIUMF-ISAC-I facility in Vancouver, Canada [1]. GRIFFIN is composed of 16 Compton-Suppressed HPGe clover detectors complemented by a powerful suite of ancillary detector sub-systems that includes plastic-scintillators for beta tagging, LN2-cooled Si(Li) detectors for conversion electron measurements and an array of eight LaBr3(Ce) scintillators for fast-timing measurements. The spectrometer supports a variety of research in the areas of nuclear structure, nuclear astrophysics, and fundamental symmetries. Recent experiments using GRIFFIN will be discussed including: transition strengths in 50Sc from lifetime measurements, using the half life of 34Ar to guide the choice of theoretical radiative and isospin symmetry breaking corrections for Fermi super allowed beta emitters, probing cross-shell excitations on the border of the island of inversion using gamma-gamma angular correlations in 34Si, and the nature of quasiparticle configurations in 160Gd are explored using the high-statistics beta decay of 160Eu.

[1] A.B. Garnsworthy et al. ,NIM. A 918, 9 (2019)

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