History of the Nuclear Structure conference series.
The Nuclear Structure Conference series was born out of excitement in high-spin physics and the development of large arrays of Compton-suppressed germanium detectors in the 1980s (a sentiment captured in the foreword to the first workshop, linked below). It has since evolved into a rich conference series encompassing all aspects of nuclear structure at the limits. Organized biennially between North American institutions, it has been hosted by Berkeley five times (1986, 1994, 2002, 2010, 2022), Oak Ridge four times (1990, 1998, 2006, 2016), Argonne five times, including this one (1988, 1996, 2004, 2012, 2024), Michigan State University three times (2000, 2008, 2018), and twice in Canada, with Chalk River hosting in 1992 and TRIUMF in 2014. Below are some historical data on the conferences. If anyone has any corrections or historical photos/information to share, please contact the organizers (it is still a work in progress).
1. Year: 1986
Host: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Local chair(s): Frank Stephens
Dates: October 13-16
Conference name: "Workshop on Nuclear Structure at Moderate and High Spin"
Venue: Berkeley
Proceedings/website: Program and talks are captured in this document.
2. Year: 1988
Host: Argonne National Laboratory
Local chair(s): Dick Chasman
Dates: April 13-15
Conference name: "High Spin Nuclear Structure and Novel Nuclear Shapes"
Venue: Argonne
3. Year: 1990
Host: Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Local chair(s): Noah Johnson
Dates: April 23-27
Conference name: "Nuclear Structure in the Nineties"
Venue: Oak Ridge
Proceedings/website: Published in Nucl. Phys. A 520
4. Year: 1992
Host: Chalk River
Local chair(s): Stephane Pilotte and David Ward
Dates: May 18-21
Conference name: "International Conference on Nuclear Structure at High Angular Momentum"
Venue: Ottawa
Proceedings/website: Proceedings (PDF download) available via IAEA here.
5. Year: 1994
Host: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Local chair(s): Marie Agnes Delaplanque
Dates: August 2-6
Conference name: "Conference on Physics from Large Gamma Ray Detector Arrays"
Venue: Berkeley
Proceedings/website: Proceedings are available here.
6. Year: 1996
Host: Argonne National Laboratory
Local chair(s): Mike Carpenter and Teng Lek Khoo
Dates: July 22-26
Conference name: Nuclear Structure at the Limits
Venue: Argonne
Proceedings/website: Proceedings are available here.
7. Year: 1998
Host: Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Local chair(s): Cyrus Baktash
Dates: August 15-19
Conference name: Nuclear Structure 1998
Venue: Gatlinburg
Proceedings/website: Published in AIP Conference Proceedings Vol. 481
8. Year: 2000
Host: Michigan State University
Local chair(s): Thomas Glasmacher, Michael Thoennessen, Paul Mantica
Dates: August 15-19
Conference name: Nuclear Structure 2000
Venue: East Lansing
Proceedings/website: Published in Nucl. Phys. A 682
9. Year: 2002
Host: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Local chair(s): Paul Fallon and Rod Clark
Dates: July 29-August 2
Conference name: Frontiers of Nuclear Structure
Venue: Berkeley
Proceedings/website: Published in AIP Conference Proceedings Vol. 656
10. Year: 2004
Host: Argonne National Laboratory
Local chair(s): Darek Seweryniak and Teng Lek Khoo
Dates: July 26-30
Conference name: Nuclei at the Limits
Venue: Argonne
Proceedings/website: Published in AIP Conference Proceedings Vol. 764
11. Year: 2006
Host: Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Local chair(s): Cyrus Baktash
Dates: July 24-28
Conference name: Conference on Nuclei at the Limits
Venue: Oak Ridge
12. Year: 2008
Host: Michigan State University
Local chair(s): Paul Mantica
Dates: June 3-6
Conference name: Nuclear Structure 2008
Venue: East Lansing
13. Year: 2010
Host: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Local chair(s): Rod Clark
Dates: August 8-13
Conference name: Nuclear Structure 2010
Venue: Berkeley
Proceedings/website: https://www2.lbl.gov/nsd/conferences/nuclearstructure2010/index.html
14. Year: 2012
Host: Argonne National Laboratory
Local chair(s): Filip Kondev and Torben Lauritsen
Dates: August 13-17
Conference name: Nuclear Structure 2012
Venue: Argonne
Proceedings/website: (The website link is broken; the book of abstract is here.)
15. Year: 2014
Local chair(s): Greg Hackman
Dates: July 21-24
Conference name: Nuclear Structure 2014
Venue: Vancouver
Proceedings/website: http://ns2014.triumf.ca/index.html
16. Year: 2016
Host: Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Local chair(s): Alfredo Galindo Uribarri
Dates: July 24-29
Conference name: Nuclear Structure 2016
Venue: Knoxville
Proceedings/website: (The website link is broken.) The conference booklet is here.
17. Year: 2018
Host: Michigan State University
Local chair(s): Sean Liddick
Dates: August 5-10
Conference name: Nuclear Structure 2018
Venue: East Lansing
Proceedings/website: https://indico.fnal.gov/event/15187/
18. Year: 2022
Host: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Local chair(s): Heather Crawford
Dates: July 13-17
Conference name: Nuclear Structure 2022
Venue: Berkeley
Proceedings/website: https://conferences.lbl.gov/event/212/
19. Year: 2024
Host: Argonne National Laboratory
Local chair(s): Melina Avila and Benjamin Kay
Dates: July 22-26
Conference name: Nuclear Structure 2024
Venue: Argonne
Proceedings/website: (This event) https://indico.phy.anl.gov/event/45/
20. Year: 2026
Host: TRIUMF and Simon Fraser University
Local chair(s): Corina Andreoiu and Kris Starosta
Dates: July 27-31
Conference name: Nuclear Structure 2026
Venue: Vancouver, Canada
Proceedings/website: TBA