Jul 21 – 26, 2024
APS Conference Center, Argonne
America/Chicago timezone
Registration is now closed. We look forward to seeing you here later in July.

NS2024 registration

Registration is now open (early registration is closed, but one can register through to July 10).

Please use the following link, https://cvent.me/RYXBD3, for registration.

Registration involves two parts. 

The first part is to provide details, such as your information, type of registration (general, student), dietary requirements, what activities you will join (poster session, conference dinner, excursions), and handle payment. This part alone does not grant access to Argonne (as highlighted on the summary page).

The second part is to complete the Argonne Visitor Form, which is required to gain access to Argonne. A link to this form is found on the summary page of registration and will be in your confirmation email. We recommend you do this immediately after the first part. Please note that if you are staying onsite at the Guest House, it is important to include all days of your stay in this part of the registration.

General information:

Early registration closed June 30. The fee for a "General Attendee" (anyone with a PhD at the time of the conference) after early registration  is now 550 USD, and for a Student (no PhD) is 375 USD.

There are no additional costs for the pizza and poster session, the excursions, or the conference dinner. However, it is important for our planning that we know what number to expect (hence the questions on the registration form).

Wednesday afternoon is free time. We offer a trip to downtown Chicago, where we will provide buses to and from popular destinations (roughly from 2 to 8 p.m.). All other arrangements are to be made at your discretion.

At the same time, we plan to offer tours of the ATLAS facility. We appreciate that some people might want to go downtown and have an ATLAS tour. If there is sufficient interest, we will offer tours of ATLAS on other days in the early morning or the evening.

We also plan to make Argonne Park available for sports (soccer, cricket, etc.) on Wednesday afternoon and will offer an informal guided "walk in the woods" to visit the historic "Site A" (see also this link). This is a few miles south of Argonne. It is a relatively easy walk of a few miles lasting an hour or so (no special attire needed, weather depending ... sports shoes should be sufficient). Both activities would have to be self-organized (in terms of cars, kit, etc). A few locals would join as guides in both cases.

For the sports and the "walk in the woods," we plan to open an NS2024 Slack channel (invitation link here) so attendees can communicate with each other and arrange activities.