The Workshop

The workshop "SoLID Opportunities and Challenges of Nuclear Physics at the Luminosity Frontier" will be hosted at Argonne National Laboratory from June 17 to June 20, 2024. This workshop will focus on the recent theoretical and experimental developments of three scientific topics in nuclear physics:
1) Parity violating deep inelastic scattering (PVDIS) and new physics beyond the Standard Model;
2) Semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering (SIDIS) and three-dimensional nucleon structure;
3) Near-threshold J/psi production and the origin of the proton mass.
These science topics are related to the approved experiments using the SoLID spectrometer (wiki page), recently featured in Recommendation 4 of the 2023 Long Range Plan by the Nuclear Science Advisory Committee. Its name stands for the Solenoidal Large Intensity Device, which is a large-acceptance and high-luminosity spectrometer designed to fully leverage the Jefferson Lab 12 GeV upgrade at the luminosity frontier.
The workshop aims to summarize the latest updates in the theoretical developments and recent experimental results related to the SoLID experiments, scrutinize their physics interpretation, articulate their scientific impact, and assess new scientific opportunities.
SoLID Collaboration Meeting
Following the workshop, the 2024 SoLID collaboration meeting will take place at the same location from June 21 to June 22, 2024. The collaboration meeting will review the recent development of SoLID detector subsystems and the software. It will also facilitate discussion of potential experimental proposals using the SoLID detector. Anyone interested in the SoLID is welcome to join the collaboration meeting.