Dec 1 – 3, 2022
Argonne National Laboratory
US/Central timezone

Extraction of pion GPD from lattice QCD using an asymmetric frame

Dec 2, 2022, 11:35 AM
Room 8209 (DePaul Center)

Room 8209

DePaul Center


Joshua Miller (Temple University)


Historically, GPDs have been defined in the symmetric frame, where the momentum transfer between the initial and final hadron state is equally distributed to the two states.
Such a setup is computationally very costly for their frame-dependent counterparts in lattice QCD, such as the quasi-GPDs. In this work we present a calculation of the pion GPD using the methodology proposed recently in Ref. [1], in which the lattice matrix elements decompose into Lorentz invariant amplitudes. These amplitudes can be calculated in any frame and can then be related to the light-cone GPDs. For this proof- of-concept calculation, we use one ensemble of 𝑁f =2+1+1 twisted mass fermions and a clover improvement with a pion mass of 260 MeV to calculate the H-GPD for the pion.

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