Dec 1 – 3, 2022
Argonne National Laboratory
US/Central timezone

First Glimpse into the Kaon Gluon Parton Distribution Using Lattice QCD

Dec 2, 2022, 3:45 PM


Alejandro Salas (Michigan State University)


In this work, we present the first results on the gluon parton distribution of the kaon from lattice quantum chromodynamics.
We carry out the lattice calculation at pion mass around 310~MeV and two lattice spacings, 0.15 and 0.12~fm, using $2+1+1$-flavor HISQ ensembles generated by MILC Collaboration. The kaon correlators are calculated using clover fermions and momentum-smearing sources with maximum boost momentum around 2~GeV and high statistics (up to 324,000 measurements). We study the dependence of the resulting reduced Ioffe-time pseudo-distributions at multiple boost momenta and lattice spacings. We then extract the kaon gluon distribution function in the $\overline{\text{MS}}$ scheme at $\mu = 2$~GeV, neglecting the mixing between the gluon and singlet-quark sectors. Our results at the smaller lattice spacing are consistent with phenomenological determinations.

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