Jan 20 – 22, 2023
US/Central timezone

Presentation Guidelines



If you have been engaged in a research project, we encourage you to present your progress and results in the form of a research poster or a talk. During the registration, you will be asked if you would like to present a poster or a talk. If you plan to do so, you should submit a title, abstract (no more than 250 words), and list of authors with their institutions. 

The poster session is planned for Saturday afternoon and will be held in the Argonne Theory and Computing Life Sciences Conference Center. The shuttle bus to the poster session hall will be provided. Presenters will be informed about the details of the logistics of setting up the posters in their welcome package at check-in. Please plan to set up your poster 30 min before the start of the poster session on Saturday.

Please read the good practices for making your poster here and talk here. The best poster presentations will be awarded.