Student Research Talks I
- Robert Wiringa (Argonne)
Guitars are extremely versatile instruments due to the myriad of ways in which the player can alter the timbre. Specific adjustments are made to the guitar that correspond to stylistic distinctions between genres of music. This study explores how the timbre of the guitar is affected by alterations in the string type and gauge, the excitement location, pick versus pluck excitements, and the...
In the second paper in a series on observatory data digitization, we improve on our previous demonstration of the ability of a commercially available graphic arts scanner to aid the production of scientifically useful scans of astronomical photographic plates. We describe a method using freely available software to extract magnitude measurements from the star images on sky-survey plates, which...
We encounter fragmentation in fluid sheets whenever we visit a waterfall or hold our thumb over the end of a hose. Because of their 2D geometry, these sheets present a unique opportunity to explore material instabilities. Newtonian fluid sheets have been well characterized; we are working toward an analogous understanding of complex fluid sheets, where the viscosity of the material depends on...
After graphene was first isolated with a simple piece of scotch-tape in 2004, it has demonstrated a rich landscape for interesting physical phenomena and research on its promising technological potential has blossomed. By further applying the technique of mechanical exfoliation to analogous materials, new two-dimensional (2D) atomic crystals with distinct physical properties from their bulk...
The Hamiltonian for the one-dimensional SSH chain is one of the simplest Hamiltonian that supports topological states. This work considers between one and three finite SSH chains that are coupled in two distinct ways. In set-up 1 (cavity-shared case), the three chains share a lattice site (or cavity), which, in turn, is coupled to a two-level emitter. In set-up 2 (emitter-shared case), each...