Dec 1 – 3, 2022
Argonne National Laboratory
US/Central timezone

Flavor-non-singlet Structure of the Nucleon

Dec 1, 2022, 9:50 AM
Room 8209 (DePaul Center)

Room 8209

DePaul Center


David Richards (Jefferson Lab)


I describe the structure of the nucleon obtained within the pseudo-PDF framework. In particular I present recent calculations of the unpolarized, helicity and transversity distributions. We employ the distillation framework which allows a more complete sampling of the lattice and, together with momentum smearing, enables us to extend the range of Ioffe time accessible to our computation. This, together with an expansion in terms of Jacobi polynomials, enables us to isolate the leading twist distributions from some of the higher twist contributions and sources of systematic uncertainties. I conclude with the prospects for future calculations.

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